Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Archangel St. Jhudiel (FRIDAY)

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St. Jehudiel's name means "Praise of God"

Patron of the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, annointing of the sick & dying.
St. Jehudiel carries the flaming crown of salvation, a symbol of God's mercy & the crown of the victory of grace which awaits the saints in the next life. It is also a reminder of the crown of sufferings to be endured in this life in imitation of Our Lord.

God's mercy comes to us every moment of our lives. Without it, we would die. With it, God provides us the graces we need for our bodies. Mercy is God's love helping us fight the temptations of life and obtain forgiveness for our sins. Mercy is grace for bodily and spiritual needs. Mercy is God Himself through the merits of Jesus Christ bringing us back to our Heavenly Home.


1) How do I show mercy to others?
2) Do I easily forgive those who have sinned against me?
3) Do I extend a helping hand to those who are in need of my help without expecting any reward in return?
4) Do I share God's blessings to my less fortunate brothers and sisters?

Oh holy St. Jehudiel, you are the powerful and formidable adversary of Beelzebub. Come to our aid with your legion of angels! Accompany us in the combat against the terrible attacks of hell which threaten to anihilate our Holy Mother the Church. Safeguard us at the hour of death and console us with your powerful presence. Intercede for us that we might not perish without the last sacraments and may properly prepare to stand before the terrible seat of judgement. Remove all jealousy from our hearts so that each one of us, through conformity to the Divine Will, become, like you, a living praise to the glory of God in this life and in the next. Amen 

Novena to the Archangels
O Merciful Archangel, St. Jhudiel dispenser of God's eternal and abundant mercy. Because of our sinfulness, we do not deserve God's forgiveness. Yet, He continually grants us forbearance freely and lovingly. Help us in our determination to overcome our sinful habits and be truly sorry for them. Bring each one of us to true conversion of heart,  that we may experience the joy of reconciliation which it brings, without which neither we as individuals, nor the whole world can know true peace. You who continually intercedes for us, listen to our prayers _________ and present to God the Father all these petitions through Jesus Christ our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

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